
Brazilian-Luxembourgers Survey 2021

After completing our extensive studies on American Luxembourgers, we were left with an abundance of questions about an even larger part of the Luxembourgish dual citizen community – the Brazilian-Luxembourgers.

To learn more about this demographic, we asked them to speak for themselves.

Note: This study dates from 2021. To view the latest version, please visit our Case Studies page.
Researched and Written by: Daniel Atz
With Assistance by: Verônica Bochi & Lauren Lowell
Design: Lauren Lowell


From August 15 to September 15, 2021, we ran an open survey of Brazilian-Luxembourgish dual citizens through ancestry. 74 Brazilians participated, representing a wide range of ages and demographics
They responded to questions on their future in Luxembourg & motivations for applying for dual citizenship.

Why is This Population so Important?

When considered as a part of the population of Luxembourg, these new (and soon-to-be) nationals make up more eligible voters than the Esch-sur-Alzette, Luxembourg’s second most populous commune.

If the estimated number of Brazilian dual citizenship applicants is combined with that of the United States, this new population becomes equivalent to 3% of Luxembourg’s population, or 8% of eligible voters.

With this population change happening in such a short period of time, learning about this new demographic of Brazilian-Luxembourgers is more important than ever before. Read on to learn more about who are the Brazilian-Luxembourgers.

Application for Dual Citizenship

While it has been possible to apply for Luxembourg Dual Citizenship since 2008, most of our participants applied between 2018 under Article 89.

It is still possible for certain applicants to apply today. Some respondents are in the process of starting their application now.

Already Applied vs. Not Yet Submitted

Year of Application Submissions

2016 or before 0
2017 0
2018 0
2019 0
2020 0
2021 0

More Brazilians applied for Luxembourgish nationality in 2019 than Americans did from 2009 to 2019 combined.

Nearly 4x as many Brazilians as Americans applied in 2019 and 4.5x more Brazilians applied in 2020. In 2019, 7% more Americans applied compared to 2018 while 133% more Brazilians did than in the last year.

Finishing the Process

75% of Brazilians who applied for Luxembourg citizenship have already completed the process. We expect that this is in large part due to the fact that the majority of Brazilians applied under Article 89. That being said, many have been unable to travel & complete the process due to Covid-19. Some respondents are still waiting for a nationality certificate in the mail.

Have you received citizenship?

Year Citizenship Was Received

2016 or before 0
2017 0
2018 0
2019 0
2020 0
2021 0

From Brazil to the EU – Moving to Luxembourg

An incredible 91.8% of participants in this study expressed interest in moving to Luxembourg or another country in the European Union. This is a notable difference from the data collected in our American Luxembourgers Survey, where 81% of American applicants expressed interest in moving.

Lived Outside of Brazil?

Want to Move to the EU


In the next 1-2 years 0
In the next 3-5 years 0
I don’t have plans, but I’m interested 0
Only in a long time 0

A Land of Many Languages

46% of our Brazilian respondents reported speaking at least one foreign language fluently. This is a stark contrast from the participants in our American Luxembourgers Survey, where under 22% reported speaking a second language.

Interested in Learning Luxembourgish?

Do You Speak a Foreign Language?

What Languages Do You Speak?

English 0
French 0
German 0
Other 0

Of the 46.6% of participants who speak at least one foreign language, 20.6% of them speak at least two foreign languages and 8.8% speak 3 foreign languages or more!

Dual Citizenship Motivations

What drove these applicants to apply for Luxembourg dual citizenship? Our participants overwhelmingly listed reasons that would provide them (and their families) more opportunities in the future.

Main Motivations for Applying for Dual Citizenship

Thinking about the future of my children / grandchildren 0
I am proud of my Luxembourgish heritage 0
Desire to reconnect with the land of my ancestors 0
I am interested in working in Luxembourg / Europe 0
As a form of security or backup (in case it would be needed in the future) 0
I am interested in studying in Luxembourg / Europe 0
Recent political and social movements have motivated me to secure a second citizenship 0
Other 0
“Other” motivators listed by applicants commonly included improved quality of life, safety, retirement, and health.

Interested in learning more about Luxembourg Dual Citizens?

Our team has put together 6 interactive studies on Luxembourg dual citizens. Check out our case study portal to continue reading!

Are you a Brazilian with Luxembourg Dual Citizenship or have you already applied?

We want to hear from you! Respond to our survey to be included in our latest study of Brazilian Luxembourgers.

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