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LuxCitizenship’s 2023 Annual Report
In 2023, LuxCitizenship launched efforts to build community for all Luxembourg Dual Citizens across Luxembourg, Argentina, Brazil and the United States. In our third annual report, we set out in the spirit of transparency and open data our major achievements from the year as well as information about our income-generating activities.
LuxCitizenship’s 2023 Annual Report

In 2023, LuxCitizenship launched efforts to build community for all Luxembourg Dual Citizens across Luxembourg, Argentina, Brazil and the United States. In our third annual report, we set out in the spirit of transparency and open data our major achievements from the year as well as information about our income-generating activities.
Navigate our Annual Report
In 2023, we traveled to Brazil, Argentina, Luxembourg and across the US to meet with Luxembourg Dual Citizens and research how we can create structures to bring our community together. As far as our income-generating citizenship services go, we brought on 312 new clients in 2023. 84 adult clients traveled to Luxembourg to apply for citizenship. 416 LuxCitizenship clients obtained their Luxembourg dual citizenship, bringing our total number to 1,608 confirmed citizens.
Major Achievements of 2023
Below, we set out some additional memorable moments we achieved as a team in 2023:
Building community remains LuxCitizenship’s main focus. This year that meant reaching out to Latin America as well as to attending traditional Luxembourgish community celebrations around the United States. For our own programming, we hosted one event in Minnesota this year, attended by 70 dual citizens and family.

LuxCitizenship Founder Daniel Atz spent February through April of 2023 in Brazil, building deep connections with the Luxembourgish community in the country. Overall, Daniel traveled throughout Santa Catarina State, and the cities of Curitiba, São Paulo and Brasilia. Daniel’s activities ranged from meeting diplomats and government officials to helping to organize with LuxCitizenship partner organization ACLUX a 500-person event with politicians coming from Luxembourg to Florianópolis. LuxCitizenship provided the video footage to Luxembourg’s national broadcaster RTL of this historic event. We also sponsored the simultaneous translation equipment for the 500 participants of the event given as a gift in the name of the American-Luxembourgish community.
LuxCitizenship has a fully remote team, so we were thrilled to all meet in person for the first after years working together for our exploratory trip of the Luxembourgish communities in Argentina in April 2023. We set out on a 1,200-kilometer journey from Buenos Aires to the cities of Parana, Esperanza, and Rosario, Argentina to get to know the 500 Luxembourg dual citizens in the country and to learn about Luxembourgish immigration. After the trip, LuxCitizenship conducted its first survey of Luxembourg citizens in Argentina, with 164 verified responses. We thank the Argentine Luxembourg Association for their organization of our trip.

Case Studies
Since 2018, LuxCitizenship has produced an annual study of its clients so as to better explain who are the dual citizens through data visualization, articles, and videos. Working based on feedback from institutional partners in Luxembourg, we conducted a new enlarged version of our dual citizen survey. This was the first year we worked through partner organizations to promote the study. Across the US, Brazil and Argentina, we received 1,174 verified entries. We developed significant tools to analyze and compare the data between the three populations. The 2024 study is now online at https://www.luxcitizenship.com/case-studies Check out this video of Brazilian-Luxembourg olympic athlete and entrepreneur Mario May, part of the project.
-WEBINAR: We held 3 webinars in 2023. 2 pertained to the election and how to vote. Our final webinar of the year was our first held with an outside institution, namely the HEC Liege MBA program in Luxembourg. We plan more webinars in 2024, check out our events page to learn more.
Documentary Film
Based on LuxCitizenship’s video recordings during our travel to Argentina, we decided mid-year to begin work on creating a documentary about Luxembourgish immigration to Argentina and the dual citizens living in the country today. In August, we hired Luxembourgish director Astor Schiantarelli, who we discovered is also a Luxembourg dual citizen, to reshoot some of our interviews with full cinematic equipment. We also hired a tango band to play some of Luxembourg’s most famous traditional songs. We are working to finalize the documentary now.
About Our Client Base
Learn more about LuxCitizenship’s clients, the developments in their applications, and the income-generating services our team offered in 2023.
Although there are many ways to legally obtain Luxembourg dual citizenship, we exclusively work on the four types of citizenship procedures related to having ancestors from Luxembourg. Each procedure is based on rules in certain articles of the Luxembourgish Nationality Act of March 2017.
As of December 31st, 2023, LuxCitizenship had 1,770 American individuals in our client base who either have already obtained citizenship or are actively pursuing an application for citizenship.
Of this group, 1,255 or 71% are adults and 515 or 29% are children. Further breaking it down, 951 or 54% are male and 818 or 46% are female.
Applicants by Age Category
Of LuxCitizenship’s 1,770 qualified American clients:
are eligible under Article 89.
are eligible under Article 7.
are eligible under Article 23.
are eligible under Article 7/23.
2023 – New Applicants
312 new clients entered into contract with LuxCitizenship in 2023. These 312 individuals account for 20% of our total clients.
Our clients tend to apply in groups. Out of 2023’s 312 new clients, there were 144 contracts, 69 of which were for family groups. This averages out to 2.2 persons per contract. In 2023, our largest family group had 10 applicants while 75 individuals applied on their own. For the 144 contracts, there were 78 Luxembourg ancestors, meaning some of our clients are relatives of each other.
2023 Clients: Application Type
Citizenship Received
2023 New Luxembourg Citizens
By December 31st, 2023, a total of 1,614 people or 91% of total LuxCitizenship clients have obtained their Luxembourg dual citizenship.
1,614 dual citizens represent an increase of 416 dual citizens* more than in 2022 when the number was 1,198. In total, 24% of LuxCitizenship’s clients who have dual citizenship got it in 2023 alone. As of December 2023, only 11 of our clients who signed up in 2022 or before have not yet received their citizenship. Some clients also abandoned the pursuit of dual citizenship and are no longer considered in our figures.
*416 dual citizens includes minor children and adults. The Ministry of Justice’s numbers only include adults.
Education and Outreach
Beyond our clients, many more people benefit from resources which we make publicly available online and free of charge, including via our website, social media, and through video platforms.
From January 1st-December 31st, 2023, we had 36,299 visitors to our webpage. Across the year, our website visitors viewed the different pages of our website 88,836 times.
Of our visitors, 43% came from the US, 15% from Brazil, and 15% from Luxembourg. The top five cities our visitors came from this year changed significantly to international locations, were Luxembourg City, Chicago, Sao Paulo, Curitiba and London.
New Website Visitors by Month
Eligibility Test
# ET Submissions Eligibility Result
Many visitors to our website take advantage of our free tool, the Luxembourg Dual Citizenship Eligibility Test, which automatically renders a dual citizenship eligibility opinion based on someone’s family tree data. During 2023, we issued 750 dual citizenship eligibility opinions or about 60 per month.
88% of eligibility test submissions received an automatic opinion confirming a path to apply for dual citizenship, while 8% were a denial of eligibility and 4% required additional genealogical research to emit an eligibility opinion.
Video Content
By the end of 2023, we had uploaded 47 of our videos were public on our Youtube channel. Across 2023, our videos received 19,769 views. Our viewers watched 787 hours of our content, which is equivalent to 33 days.
About LuxCitizenship
Who makes up LuxCitizenship, what is our mission, and what do we offer to the Luxembourg dual citizen community?
LuxCitizenship.com is an online platform helping people get dual citizenship, relocate and find professional opportunities in Luxembourg and across Europe.

We set out on this adventure as a mission-driven social enterprise in 2016. We specifically work with individuals who have ancestors from Luxembourg to establish eligibility and apply for dual citizenship in the Grand Duchy. We also strive to educate and keep these dual citizens informed about Luxembourg’s culture, economy, and history. Once these individuals obtain dual citizenship, we also help them assess, prepare for, and accomplish building a future in Europe.
LuxCitizenship was founded by international affairs expert and entrepreneur Daniel Atz. The company is headquartered on New York City’s famous Madison Avenue.
Are you interested in reading our previous annual report?
Learn more about our clients, who got dual citizenship and how we grew in 2022.
2022 Annual Report

Are you interested in reading our previous annual report?

Learn more about our clients, who got dual citizenship and how we grew in 2022.
2022 Annual Report