
LuxCitizenship’s Videos

Check out our wide array of self produced videos, including videos about visiting Luxembourg, Luxembourg in the world, who are the dual citizens and their businesses, as well as about our own documentary films.

Luxembourg Dual Citizenship

Learn more about available paths to Luxembourg dual citizenship, the experiences of our clients, and how to find out if you are eligible to apply.

Interested in Luxembourg Dual Nationality?

LuxCitizenship seeks to educate those interested in gaining Luxembourg nationality. Therefore, American descendants of Luxembourgers and children of Luxembourg-born parents alike will find purpose here. Find out about the different paths to Luxembourg Citizenship.

About LuxCitizenship & Founder Daniel Atz

Learn about how LuxCitizenship was founded and how our founder’s Luxembourg citizenship has impacted his career and life.

For more related videos, visit our Youtube channel!

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Videos About Brazilians in Luxembourg

Brazilians make up just over 19 percent of all applicants applying for Luxembourg dual citizenship through ancestral lineage. Learn more about who are the Brazilian Luxembourgers, their stories, and LuxCitizenship’s Brazilian dual citizens portal.

Launch of LuxCitizenship for Dual Citizens from Brazil

We are thrilled to announce that we have launched a portal for the Brazilian Luxembourg dual citizens moving to the Grand Duchy. Find out what you need to know as you set out on a new life in Europe! Check out our blogs, videos, and join in our interactive study about Brazilian-Luxembourgish Dual Citizens.

Gabriel & Any

Gabriel applied for Luxembourg dual citizenship in 2018 and when he came to the country to sign his application documents, he fell in love with the place where his ancestors were born. Soon he and his wife Any began planning to make the move. They made this plan come true in 2020. After a few months of adapting to the different culture of Luxembourg, they can now call the Grand Duchy home!

Visiting Luxembourg

Even if it is not possible to visit Luxembourg today, LuxCitizenship still wants to take you to Luxembourg! Take a digital tour of the major sites in Luxembourg. You can also use our Visit Luxembourg portal to read our Articles to learn about everything from what hotels you should stay in to where to eat out.

Part 1 – Luxembourg City

Follow Daniel on our essential tour of the major sites in Luxembourg City he takes future dual citizens on the day they make their citizenship declaration. Sites include Pont Adolphe, the Gëlle Fra, Place Guillaume II, the Bierger Center, the monument to Grand Duchess Charlotte, the Chamber of Deputies, Grand Ducal Palace, the Casemates, the Grund, and the Pétrusse River Valley.

Luxembourg Dual Citizenship and New Travel Restrictions Founder Daniel Atz records a message for dual citizenship applicants with the 12/31/2022 deadline to travel to Luxembourg about Luxembourg’s new travel restrictions on American travelers. In the video, Daniel explains how LuxCitizenship can support you in this unpredictable time in your dual citizenship application.

RTL Report: Dual Citizens Plan Move to Luxembourg

RTL TV Lëtzebuerg aired a news report on the American Luxembourgers planning a move to Luxembourg and what life is like once in the Grand Duchy. The report features interviews with Kelsey and Erick, two LuxCitizenship clients, as well as LuxCitizenship Founder Daniel Atz.

For more related videos, visit our Youtube channel!

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LuxCitizenship Special Projects

Our team has created several one of a kind interactive studies on Luxembourg dual citizens. Learn more about who are the Luxembourg citizenship applicants and what their motivations are in applying for dual citizenship.
View Our Case Studies

LuxCitizenship’s American-Luxembourgers Study

By the end of 2022, American citizens who has recovered Luxembourg citizenship will make up an equivalent of 1% of Luxembourg’s population. This could have huge implications in the 2023 Parliamentary elections in Luxembourg. According to our dual citizen survey, 20% of these dual citizens are interested to move to Luxembourg or the EU in the next 5 years. So who are these dual citizens and why as Americans did they apply for dual citizenship?

The Minnesotan-Luxembourgers Study

26% of Americans who are applying for Luxembourg dual citizenship through ancestry live in Minnesota. On top of that, 72% of the Minnesotans applying for dual citizenship live in the Minneapolis-Saint Metropolitan Area, what’s called the Twin Cities. That’s equal to almost 20% of all the new American-Luxembourgers living in the Twin Cities alone. For this reason and many more, we’re excited to present you this one-of-a-kind study about these dual citizens and their homestate.

We Want to Stay What We Are

In early 2020, LuxCitizenship lead a campaign to extend the deadline of Article 89. We asked 60 current and former applicants recovering Luxembourg citizenship from across the United States and Brazil to explain why Luxembourg matters to them and why they want to become Luxembourgish citizens. Subsequent to this campaign from May 2020, the Chamber of Deputies in Luxembourg voted for a law that extended the deadline. In July 2021, the Chamber of Deputies voted once again to extend the deadline of Article 89. deadline was first extended to December 31, 2022, and has since been further extended until December 31, 2025.
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