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LuxCitizenship’s 2022 Annual Report
2022 was a record-breaking year for LuxCitizenship on all fronts. In our second annual report, we break down our major achievements we experienced over the past year.
LuxCitizenship’s 2022 Annual Report

From record numbers of our clients obtaining Luxembourg citizenship to the links we further developed with the Luxembourg dual citizen community through our digital presence and in-person events, 2022 was a record-breaking year for LuxCitizenship on all fronts. In our second annual report, we break down our major achievements we experienced over the past year.
Navigate our Annual Report
In 2022, we experienced 58% client growth compared to 2021 with 544 new clients across the year. 217 adult clients traveled to Luxembourg to apply for citizenship, nearly 4.5x more clients than traveled to Luxembourg in 2021. When we wrote our 2021 annual report, only 478 LuxCitizenship clients had confirmed Luxembourg dual citizenship. Today, that number is nearly 1,200.
Major Achievements of 2022
Below, we set out some additional memorable moments we achieved as a team in 2022:
Community is undoubtedly the keyword for 2022 here at LuxCitizenship and has been our major focus for the year. As our client base has grown to nearly 1,500 active members, our focus is to directly connect these individuals. Our strategy is to combine both in-person programming as well as creating online networking tools. To that end, we created the Luxembourg Dual Citizen Business Network. Currently, the group has 144 members.

2022 was the first year we had the opportunity to focus on in-person programming since the pandemic. We held events in Saint Paul, Minnesota, New York, Chicago, and Luxembourg City. Our Minnesota event held at the Dual Citizen Brewery in Saint Paul, Minnesota was attended by 55 (future) dual citizens.
Luxembourg Programming
In order to complement our event programming, we organized our first tour of Luxembourg in June 2022. 30 of our clients joined us during our week-long program coinciding with the celebrations of the Luxembourg National Holiday on June 23rd.

Videos Take Us Around the World
In February, our Founder Daniel traveled to the World Expo (World’s Fair) 2020 in Dubai, United Arab Emirates to create a video overview of Luxembourg’s pavilion at the World’s Fair. Daniel Sahr, Luxembourg’s World Expo Director, gave an exclusive interview in Luxembourgish for the American-Luxembourger community to memorialize the occasion.
Congrats Augustin Family
Back in 2020, LuxCitizenship began work on a citizenship application for a family descended from a Luxembourger who went as a soldier to Indonesia in the 1870s and whose descendants ultimately stayed in the country. It took over a year and coordination with 4 countries to obtain all the necessary documents. We were very excited to receive the family’s nationality certificates in March 2022.

About Our Community
Learn more about LuxCitizenship’s clients, the developments in their applications, and the services our team offered in 2022.
Although there are many ways to legally obtain Luxembourg dual citizenship, we exclusively work on the four types of citizenship procedures related to having ancestors from Luxembourg. Each procedure is based on rules in certain articles of the Luxembourgish Nationality Act of March 2017.
As of December 31st, 2022, LuxCitizenship has helped 1,483 qualified American individuals on the path to Luxembourg Dual Citizenship.
Of this group, 1,042 or 70% are adults and 441 or 30% are children. Further breaking it down, 786 or 53% are male and 697 or 47% are female.
Applicants by Age Category
Clients by Region
The largest group of our clients live in the Midwest and South. In terms of cities, 12.2% of our clients live in the Minneapolis-Saint Paul, MN Twin Cities Metro Area, 5.0% in greater Chicagoland, 2.8% in the New York Tri-State Metro Area, 3.6% in the Seattle Metro, and 3.4% for the Los Angeles and San Francisco Metro areas combined.
Of LuxCitizenship’s 1,483 qualified American clients:
are eligible under Article 89.
are eligible under Article 7.
are eligible under Article 23.
are eligible under Article 7/23.
2022 – New Applicants
544 new clients entered into contract with LuxCitizenship in 2022. This is a 58% increase from 2021 when we signed up 344 new clients. These 544 individuals account for 37% of our total clients.
Our clients tend to apply in groups. Out of 2022’s 544 new clients, there were 204 applications, 127 of which were family groups. This averages out to 2.7 persons per each group applying. In 2022, our largest family group had 14 applicants while 77 individuals applied on their own. For the 204 family groups, there were 155 Luxembourg ancestors, meaning some of our clients are relatives of each other.
2022 Clients: Application Type
Citizenship Received
2022 New Luxembourg Citizens
By December 31st, 2022, a total of 1,198 people or 81% of total LuxCitizenship clients have obtained their Luxembourg dual citizenship.
1,198 dual citizens represent an increase of 720 dual citizens* more than in 2021 when the number was 478. In total, 70% of LuxCitizenship’s clients who have dual citizenship got it in 2022 alone. 720 individuals is more than the total number of clients who signed up for service with LuxCitizenship in 2020 and 2021 combined.
*720 dual citizens includes minor children and adults. The Ministry of Justice’s numbers only include adults.
Education and Outreach
Beyond our clients, many more people benefit from resources which we make publicly available online and free of charge, including via our website, social media, and through video platforms.
From January 1st-December 31st, 2022, we had 39,721 visitors to our webpage, which is a 71% increase from the same period in 2021, where we had 23,228 visitors. Across the year, our website visitors viewed the different pages of our website 216,994 times.
Of our visitors, 49% came from the US, 13% from Brazil, and 12% from Luxembourg. The other 26% came from other countries. The top five cities our visitors came from were Luxembourg City with 8.6%, Chicago with 3.4%, New York with 2.24%, Minneapolis with 1.8% and Los Angeles with 1.7%.
New Website Visitors by Month
Eligibility Test
# ET Submissions Eligibility Result
Many visitors to our website take advantage of our free tool, the Luxembourg Dual Citizenship Eligibility Test, which automatically renders a dual citizenship eligibility opinion based on someone’s family tree data. During 2022, we issued 777 dual citizenship eligibility opinions or about 65 per month.
89% of eligibility test submissions received an automatic opinion about their eligibility, as 43 (6%) of submissions were in need of genealogical research and 44 (5%) of eligibility test submissions could not be automatically analyzed. In most cases, the result of submissions in need of further analysis was a denial.
Video Content
By the end of 2022, we had uploaded 64 videos to our Youtube channel. Across 2022, our videos received 28,600 views which is 92% growth from 14,900 in 2021. Our viewers watched 6,200 hours of our content, which is equivalent to 258 days.
About LuxCitizenship
Who makes up LuxCitizenship, what is our mission, and what do we offer to the Luxembourg dual citizen community?
LuxCitizenship.com is an online platform helping people get dual citizenship, relocate and find professional opportunities in Luxembourg and across Europe.

We set out on this adventure as a mission-driven social enterprise in 2016. We specifically work with individuals who have ancestors from Luxembourg to establish eligibility and apply for dual citizenship in the Grand Duchy. We also strive to educate and keep these dual citizens informed about Luxembourg’s culture, economy, and history. Once these individuals obtain dual citizenship, we also help them assess, prepare for, and accomplish building a future in Europe.
LuxCitizenship was founded by international affairs expert and entrepreneur Daniel Atz. The company is headquartered on New York City’s famous Madison Avenue.
Are you interested in reading our first annual report?
Learn more about our clients, who got dual citizenship and how we grew in 2021.
2021 Annual Report

Are you interested in reading our first annual report?

Learn more about our clients, who got dual citizenship and how we grew in 2021.
2021 Annual Report