A LuxTrust token allows you to access Government Services & websites. You can now apply abroad online.
Attention all Luxembourgish dual citizens: we have an important update for you. Please note that the below article is for dual citizens that already have a Luxembourgish passport.
Get a LuxTrust Token, Access Government Services
You maybe have or have not heard of MyGuichet and LuxTrust, but if and when you move to Luxembourg, they’re both a part of daily life. You can now easily get access while still in the USA.
Accessing MyGuichet & Online Government Services
You may be aware that the main way to find out about rules, regulations, and everything to do with daily life and the Government in Luxembourg is through the website Guichet.lu. Guichet means a service window in a government office. Imagine the glass window you walk up to in the DMV. A guichet is also where you would talk to a teller in a bank.
Through this website, you are able to access all kinds of information about rules and how to get things done in Luxembourg. If you haven’t checked it out, you really should. It’s a wealth of information and it’s available in English.
You may also know that there is a website attached to Guichet.lu called MyGuichet.lu. MyGuichet is the main way that citizens are able to directly interact with the Luxembourgish government and is used in day-to-day life, all the time.
From everyday services like updating your address with the government to requesting trash pickup, to filing your taxes, it serves a lot of uses. In order to access MyGuichet.lu, you have to have a LuxTrust token to log in.
What Is LuxTrust and the LuxTrust Token?
LuxTrust is a technology firm in Luxembourg that provides cybersecurity services mostly for Luxembourgish banks, but also for the national government.
Previously, it was extremely difficult to acquire a LuxTrust token without being physically present in Luxembourg. It’s actually possible to turn a Luxembourgish ID card into a LuxTrust token but you need a special reader that is ONLY available in Luxembourg and only works on Windows. You also could get a certified copy of your Luxembourgish passport and express mail that to Luxembourg to get a little decoder device. This was extremely cumbersome unless you knew someone at the Embassy or Consulate very well.
There is now an entirely virtual process for anyone that already has a Luxembourgish passport. You can check it out on the LuxTrust website.
Instead of ordering a physical decryption device, you will now be able to just download an application from the Android (Google Play) or Apple Store. Choose the LuxTrust Mobile App and set up a Video ID.
You Need a Luxembourgish Passport to Apply for a LuxTrust ID
So, once you have a Luxembourgish passport, you can apply for the LuxTrust ID. You can obtain a passport by either applying in person at the Embassy in Washington, D.C., at the Consulates in New York or San Francisco, or at the Passport Office in Luxembourg.
You can apply for this LuxTrust Mobile ID, and then you can use MyGuichet.lu, where you can find out, for example, all the information the Luxembourgish government has on you. There, you can directly change your address on file with the Luxembourgish government online.
If eventually, you have Luxembourg source income, you will also file your taxes through this website.