

Embracing A New Population

Each year LuxCitizenship produces an interactive study that gives a bird’s eye view of the Americans reclaiming Luxembourg citizenship. This study is based on 11% of all Americans applying. Updated April 2021.

Note: This study dates from 2021. To view the latest version, please visit our Case Studies page.

Are you an American-Luxembourger? Join the 2022 Edition of our Luxembourg Dual Citizen Study!

If you are an American applying for or who has already received Luxembourg Dual Citizenship and you are not already a LuxCitizenship client, we want to invite you to join our study.
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In 2008, the new Luxembourg Nationality Act introduced the possibility of dual citizenship (or nationality) in Luxembourg.

12 Years in Review

Article 89 of this law enabled people with a Luxembourgish ancestor alive on January 1st, 1900 to reclaim Luxembourg citizenship. This study is based on those applicants.

American Adults Obtaining Luxembourg Citizenship By Year
On December 31, 2018, eligibility under Article 89 came to an end, although other paths to Luxembourgish nationality through ancestry remain.
From 2008-2020, over 2,507 United States citizens over 18 years old recovered Luxembourg nationality under Article 89.
Moreover, the above figure is a big understatement of the total number of Americans who will get Luxembourgish dual citizenship.

Continued Growth in American-Luxembourgers

On April 27, 2021, Luxembourg’s Ministry of Justice informed LuxCitizenship that 2,002 more Americans adults have not finished applying for dual citizenship yet.

Based on our study’s data and the Ministry’s statistics, we expect a total of 6,126** future dual citizens under Article 89 alone.
Luxembourg has a population of 626,100. The new American-Luxembourgers would already represent 0.6% of Luxembourg’s population. By adding the individuals who still need to travel and their children, the American-Luxembourgers will easily surpass equivalent to 1% of Luxembourg’s population.

**The true number is much higher. This figure excludes Article 23 applicants (˜150 already citizens, 365 estimated as applied but not completed), naturalizations (~200 already citizens), and US-born individuals who never legally lost Luxembourg nationality (“Article 7”, 3,000-5,000 people). These figures again do not include minor children who also became citizens.

As the total number of these new American-Luxembourgers is expected to be equivalent to over a


net population change in Luxembourg, it’s time to start understanding who these people are.

The following research is a one of a kind study on who are these American-Luxembourgers. The information is based on data from the Ministry of Justice, National Archives, and a study of 737 dual citizens.


Who Were the Ancestors from Luxembourg?

Under Article 89, Qualifying Luxembourg Ancestors needed to be alive and have Luxembourgish citizenship on January 1st, 1900.

737 / 149

For the 737 applicants studied as part of this research, there were 149 Luxembourg ancestors. These 149 Luxembourg ancestors were born in 112 different cities across Luxembourg’s 12 cantons (or districts).

Where Applicants’ Ancestors Were Born in Luxembourg

Hover over the map to see where the ancestors of today’s American-Luxembourgers were born.

An Immigration Story

As we can see, most Luxembourg Ancestors who immigrated to the USA were born in the 1850s and 1860s. Furthermore, most of these immigrants were male.

Ancestor Birth Year

1899+ 0
1890-99 0
1880-89 0
1870-79 0
1860-69 0
1850-59 0
1840-49 0
1830-39 0
1820-29 0
1810-19 0

Ancestor Gender

The Luxembourg Ancestors’ Lives in the USA

Most ancestors who immigrated to the USA headed for the Midwest. Although the Midwest was still the “frontier”, most of them actually lived long lives.

Where Did The Ancestors Pass Away

Hover over the map to see where the ancestors of today’s American-Luxembourgers passed away in the United States.

Ancestor Age At End of Life

30-39 0
40-49 0
50-59 0
60-69 0
70-79 0
80-89 0
90-99 0
100+ 0

Impact of the Luxembourg Ancestors in the USA

A large percentage of applicants were born in the Northern Midwest. Applicants are generally in their 30s-50s. It’s also important to note that more of these applicants were male than female.

Applicant Birth Location

Hover over the map to see where American-Luxembourgers were born.

Applicant Current Age

18-29 0
30-39 0
40-49 0
50-59 0
60+ 0

Applicant Gender

American-Luxembourgers: About the Families

Just over half of the applicants are married. While the same percentage don’t have children, nearly a third of applicants have two or more children. Most, but not all, of those children are also applying.

Marriage Status

Applicant's Total Children

0 Children 0
1 Child 0
2 Children 0
3 Children 0
4+ Children 0

Percentage of Children Also Applying

American-Luxembourgers: Who Are The Applicants?

A lot of the applicants are three to four generations removed from their Luxembourg ancestor. The largest concentration of applicants still lives in the Northern Midwest.

Where Applicants Live Today

Hover over the map to see where American Luxembourgers live today.

Generations Removed From Ancestor

1 removed 0
2 removed 0
3 removed 0
4 removed 0
5+ removed 0

Applicant Mobility

As part of our research, we studied our applicants’ mobility. How much had these individuals moved around during their lifetime? While the majority were born in the same state where their ancestor passed away, most do not live in that state today. Above all, this is a rather mobile population.

Born in The Same State

Live in The Same State

Education & Career

Nearly half of applicants have a Bachelor’s Degree and studied Business or Engineering/Science at school. In 2020, we saw a significant increase in people who studied health and medicine. Applicants’ career paths are generally varied, but we did see an increase of government employees and film/entertainment professionals in 2020.

Education Title

Bachelor 0
Masters 0
Doctorate 0
Associates 0
Trade School / Further Education 0

College Major

Health / Medical 0
Management 0
Sciences 0
Engineering 0
Political Science / Law 0
Art / Music 0
Marketing / Design 0
Language / Literature 0
Finance / Economics 0
Education 0
Accounting 0
Computer Science 0
Other or General Studies 0


Management, Sales & Marketing 0
Sciences, Engineering & Tech 0
Medicine & Health Services 0
Education 0
Government, Administration & Non-Profit 0
Arts, Media & Entertainment 0
Law 0
Service Industry 0
Sports 0
Other 0
Student 0
Retired 0

Applicant Job Titles

It seems like the applicants might have many different jobs and titles. But, some titles were repeated a lot. These include manager, president, and engineer Two words that stand out in 2020 compared to 2019 include social worker and attorney.


Interested in learning more about Luxembourg Dual Citizens?

Our team has put together 6 interactive studies on Luxembourg dual citizens. Check out our case study portal to continue reading!

Are you an American-Luxembourger? Join the 2022 Edition of interactive Dual Citizen Study.

If you are an American applying for or who has already received Luxembourg Dual Citizenship and you are not already a LuxCitizenship client, we want to invite you to join our study.

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